Meet 'Yang Yang' The Painting Panda And Rising Star Of The Art Community

New York Post – A zoo is luring visitors with this new attraction — a painting panda.

Yang Yang has learned to use a brush to create her works of art in Austrian capital Vienna.

And 100 of them are now being sold online for $580 each.

Yang Yang’s paintings are being sold in hope of raising $58,000 for a new picture book on Vienna zoo’s Chinese bears.

Yang Yang, a female who gave birth to twins two years ago, is said to produce abstract paintings reminiscent of the first attempts of a small child.

First off, I’m not gonna let that ricochet shot from the Post go unnoticed. We got Yang Yang out here throwing together masterpiece after masterpiece with a fucking bamboo paintbrush, and they’re gonna compare her to a small child just learning how to express itself? I will not stand for that slander and I won’t stand for it. I’m not disappointed, I’m straight up mad.

As a struggling artist of sort, I have nothing but respect for what Yang Yang is trying to do with her art. Sure, it’s abstract, but I’m like 85% sure people like that kinda stuff. Most of the artists you learned about as a child were abstract in some sense. Sometimes it’s not about what the art looks like, and a lot more about the message an artist is trying to convey.

When I look at some of Yang Yang’s pieces, I feel like I’m looking into her soul. I feel like I’m sharing a delicious stick of bamboo with the mother of two, while she tends to a steaming tea kettle under the gentle natural lighting of her enclosure. Together we relax and drift off into memories of simpler times, of a childhood filled with joy and comfort. Yang Yang knows her art is often misunderstood, but as a captive Panda well integrated into her Austrian zoo’s breeding program, she’s well past the days of seeking recognition. It’s more about giving a voice to other panda’s who share similar circumstance. Is she happy that her art will be sold to fund a picture book in hopes to spread awareness about pandas like herself? You bet she is.

Sorry for getting carried away there. In actuality, there’s absolutely no way Yang Yang has any idea what she’s doing. She barely even looks at the canvas while she paints. I suppose it’s cool that they don’t have to secure the brush to her hand like some other artistic animals, especially given the fact it doesn’t appear she ever tries to eat it either.

That being said, I could have my dog shit all over a white canvas every morning for a week and clean it off and call it abstract art, but that wouldn’t make my dog the next ‘Pigcasso’ or Yang Yang the painting panda, it’d just make me an asshole.

Maybe give the panda some different colors and then get back to me. I might just fuck around and buy one.

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